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Basics and Benefits of Using and Upgrading at


This article hopes to shed some light on the details
of using and Benefits of upgrading.

As a Free Member you're allowed to send your email ad
to up to 1000 people every 7 days using credits, however
to do this the day you signup you need those 1000
credits so when you signup we give you your first
1000 credits free.

This allows you to send to those 1000 people at least once.
After that you'll be required to earn those credits by
clicking the credit link in the emails that come to
your list email box until you earn enough credits
to send to another 1000 members 7 days later.

Every Time you send an email it goes to that number of
members selected randomly.

When you upgrade you get "bonus credits" this allows
you to send your email ad to extra members without
having to spend the credits you've earned. ALSO
your credit limit is raised, you are able to send your
email ad more frequently, and you earn more credits
per email read.

Here are the details of each membership level:

Free = 1000 with credits every 7 days.
Earn 15 credits per email read and get 0 monthly credits.

Bronze = 500 bonus credits + 2000 with credits = 2500 total, every 3days
Earn 20 credits per email read.

Silver= 1500 bonus credits + 3500 with credits = 5000 total, every 3days
Earn 20 credits per email read.

Gold = 3000 bonus credits + 5500 with credits = 8500 total, every 3 days
Earns 20 credits per email read.

These numbers are emails to other members of
who have verified there email address and also have been
qualified to receive your ad.

This means they are removed from the base if their email
address becomes invalid or starts to "bounce" (send back)
emails to us. The purpose is to make sure your credits
you work hard to collect are used to send your ad to
people who will actually receive it.

Hope this clarifies the Basics and Benefits of
Upgrading at

To Your Success,
Adlabs Team

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Article details
Article ID: 1
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2013-06-17 01:24:37
Views: 3208
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (64)

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